
Marilyn Monroe once said that she only wore a drop of Chanel No. 5 to bed. These words changed everything: today, perfumes are not only an element of a woman’s or a man’s outfit but also a powerful image asset of a brand. Do you think that Coco Chanel would achieve any success with only jackets themselves?


The distinguishing feature


Proprietary perfumes make an element that distinguishes you from the others. Your company has its unique name, logo, slogan and leading colours. Why should a fragrance not be yet another identifier? We have as many as five senses – let your customers use all of them when getting to know your brand.


Something new


It does not matter whether you run a cosmetic, clothes or clothes-jewellery-shoe company. Launching new products is a necessity if you want to catch your customer’s interest, and thereby – to hold them. Give them something commonly known but at the same time individualized and characteristic for your company – can there be anything better than perfumes?


They will never go out of fashion


The first presumes come from the ancient Egypt (ca. 1500 BC); they made Cleopatra’s life more pleasant back then. Since they have been doing so well ever since, it is very unlikely that they should completely disappear from people’s lives soon, is it not? Fragrance is thus a certain product at your enterprise. After all, everyone wants to smell nice!